Friday, February 25, 2011

Home sick

I want to go home. I’m ready to just be done here. Bobby applied for some jobs in MN and had one interview that we’re waiting to hear back on. I just want to get out of here. I can’t stand Alabama. I can’t stand this program. All I do is sit around and waste time all day. I don’t even get enough time with the kids to really invest in them. I just sit and sit. I can feel myself get lazier and lazier every day. I hate it. Its gotten to the point where I shower in the evening so that I don’t have to roll out of bed until 6:45 and then I run out the door looking and feeling like crud. I would feel so much better if I actually took the time to put myself together, but I just have no motivation for it. Tracy’s last day is today so I have the next 6 months of being here all by myself. I thought that in the summer all the Americorps members would be together doing a summer camp, but I found out that we’ll all still be at our schools. I’m going to be all by myself in this horrible place. I can’t do it anymore. I just want to go home….. Ok rant over…

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